Ahh don't even ask me the reason! Not because I have endless reasons, more because I don't know the reason. Haven't I been complaining lately about kind of writer's block? Then there it may be, even though I am not a writer!
Well, now that I am here writing, I don't even know what I want to write about! It's just that internal feeling of not having been writing lately and an urge to write!
There were so many funny incidents, which when happened I made a note to myself to write about it the next time but when I am actually here now, nothing comes to the mind! Well, that's me, isn't it?
2011 started pretty well, with us being in India for the New Year. Lots of yummy food, lots of shopping, catching up with family and friends. Aaah as usual made some usual new year resolutions as well.... like to start saving a bit finally or to be back on exercise regime and to take learning Dutch more seriously, also to start learning atleast basic French to be able to ask atleast if they have anything vegetarian on menu...hehe It's not even 2 months and tell you, everything is in vein already!
Yes did a bit of superb cooking also in-between the time while was away, have been collecting pic for some time now and procrastinating posting recipes on my Food blog for sometime now but soon will do that... hope so. Also started back on that long work-in-progress painting, and looks like 2 more sittings and it will be ready to hang on the wall! You will know when I am done with those as you will see me updating on my "Colors - My Art Studio". We just have to wait now when those 2 sittings happen! :-P
Also made a trip to Belgium last week. It was very interesting in the sense until we left home, we were not sure where are we heading to. Just thought we need a break while on the way back home from grocery that Saturday and in 30 mins we were out on the roads. We ended up in Antwerp that night, tried an Indian restaurant in Antwerp for the first time. We already knew that there is a big Gujarati community there due to connection with Surat diamond business / exports. I was mentioning that on the way that there must be some restaurant as well and amazingly we ended up at this place where the owner was Gujarati and got to speak Gujarati in a restaurant in Europe for the first time (except in England last summer) !
Believe me that once you are full with Indian dinner, you can't get any lazier! So decide to do overnight stay there and went for a long drive from there the next morning. Explored the region of Ardennes , and it is truly beautiful.