This post recieved special mention at Blogadda's "Conserve. Recycle. Discover - Make Mother Earth Happy " event.
Happy Environment day, Belated !
Why belated? It's all about how environment matters, then why only 5th June? Why not everyday?
"Jai Environment !"
Happy Environment Day everyone, today and everyday ! :o)
At my office they celebrate Environment Day every year, wait i am not sure. I haven't been here that much longer so while i am here, they did last year and they did this year.
They also arrange some kind of competition for this day along with all routine presentation and stuff to make it more interesting. Last year it was to come office on you bicycle and one who covered longest distance was given a prize and this year it was a photography contest on theme "Trees".... to be precise... 'Trees matter to us, Trees matter to nature and Trees matter to animals.'
Last year i couldn't participate as i stay 20 min walking distance from office, and winner travelled more than 20 kms one way. This year I couldn't think of anything related which i can submit and also didn't get time to go out with a camera to participate in that. sad.
But I completely agree with the slogan line ... think about it...
Trees matters to us, that is obvious as where will you pee if you are in the middle of jungle? Ohh forget it, i meant isn't it nicer camping in woods? ;o)

Trees matter to nature, obvious, if not for trees, how will we know when we crossed concrete jungle and entered in to lap of the nature !

While we are talking about environment friendly-ness, i would say i love the way in Europe people use bicycle, back home i didn't even think to go to office on bicycle. When you go to college, you want a latest brand vehicle on your dad's expense and here even company MD will come to office bicycling his way, took some time to let everything sink in and accept the different mind -set and appreciate it.
Aaah and that yellow light in housing everywhere, candle-light dinner every night ! Now when back home lighting feels blinding !
Staying here has helped me to realize, one doesn't need to be an environmentalist or socialist or whatever, It's not a difficult mission, It's just about being a bit more conscious about surroundings and about own selves by incorporating small healthier habits in daily life.
For example,
Don't drive always - walk, use cycle when possible!
Don't use those disposable cups, own your own mug, it doesn't take much to wash-clean and re-use !
Take stairs than elevators / lifts for just 1-2 or 3 floors ! (save energy and stay fit !)
Use energy saving lights. (when dimmed they are romantic believe me ;o) )

Aaaah advises, advises ... It doesn't work that way.... Implementation is the key !
I was a very conscious kid you see (may be unconsciously though, hehe ), I have always been contributing in saving environment in my ways.
I stopped writing diary as a kid when i came to know how my writing daily crap on page was contributing slaughter of trees ! (And you thought i was lazy? blahhhh !! )
I would have even stopped writing notes in school, i would have stopped doing school home work and i would have even stopped writing exams, only if everyone was as conscious as me ( yes conscious, not lazy ! ) on saving the trees and agreed with me not forcing me to write exams on paper !
I would say, why don't they cancel all the written exams, there will be only viva and practicals... nice, great contribution towards saving trees. What you say?
Oooops wait, i hear some noise outside... ohhh students !
They are protesting against me, why? Ohh for scaring them with idea of "Don't bluff on paper, bluff on face !"
Ohh come on guys, i am just trying to save environment!!
It's a free world, everyone has right to say what they think, but one is responsible for their free- actions so guys, please cooperate.
Wait, Blogging doesn't effect environment? right? If it does i have to stop here. Do let me know what alternatives can be taken, no pleasure at the cost of environment please.
Where were we? Oh yes Environment Day celebration at my office. So they also give some environment free gifts after a small get together, environment presentation and some tea-coffee-cake.
Last year it was hortencia's plants and this year it is rechargeable battery. Funny thing was as given, people looked at it and put it in pocket, only a few minutes later when everyone was at their respective desks, we got this e-mail.
"Dear All,
The battery you have received after the Pulse Environmental Presentation is a USB-Battery. You can recharge the battery by plugging the battery (see picture below) in the USB-portal of your computer.
For people who are already aware of this fact, this email is not applicable."

Ooops !
Hope you all had a great weekend, you didn't harass environment much, i didn't i spent weekend cycling on the island of Texel !
Be good to Environment. If you love it, it will love you back ! :o)

P.S.: I am sending this post to Blogadda's "Conserve. Recycle. Discover - Make Mother Earth Happy " Sponsored by Pringoo.
What a nice initiative they had in your office! Good idea. And yes, I think that here in the NL in general, you are given the possibilities to go green. It is not so in other countries around the world, I have to say. How can you go by bike to school or the office, if you might get killed by a bus two blocks from your house? It takes also a lot of work on the part of those in power to facilitate the community the means to choose for the environment.
Nice post, Lopa!!
@Aledys Ver
Absolutely agree, motivation comes from those in power. When you don't have special lanes for cycle, obviously one won't dare to encourage their kids to go by cycle on a road beside buses, trucks and racing cars !
Also if one's boss comes by luxury car everyday and orders all others to come walking or with bicycle, who is going to listen or will be motivated to that "lecture" or so called "advise"!
I love this post, Lopa. Beautiful pictures and I enjoyed your clever thoughts about trees. I also agree about NL. I always think if I go back home to live someday, I will miss the biking a lot and the initiative from those in charge to actually do something helpful. Great that you got to go to Texel too. I love biking there! It's very pretty :-)
very innovative thoguhts lops...i hope our kids spares all written exams...i lreally like the way ur office celbrates this day!!keep clean be green......
Nice pics lops...well i dont completely agree with only oral exams as its viability and feasibility of implementation for correct outcome of measuring student's knowledge is big debatable topic.... but yes online exams can be good alternative to avoid exhustive use of papers in written exams...
Grt initiative in your office,Lopa..we need more people like them..and,yes,in Baroda, they were distributing free tree saplings at Sayaji Park and some other locations to people who have the space to grow them.Another nice gesture.:)
@ Lizzy
Awww thanks Lizzy, yes living here actually feels healthier. I love the way everyone here are conscious about environment in their own little way !
@ dipali
Hehehe, yaar kids nahi, think if we were spared haha... i don't want to be spared... yaad che viva ma vaat lagti ne written ma fekam-fek...hehe
@ Hetal
Oppps, hetal... come on, do you know me any more?
Read in between the lines girl !
@ AmitL
Yes nice gesture, and i wish and hope they take care of those saplings afterwards.
There are so many "Vriksha-ropan" programs during those day, i don't know where all those trees go afterwards ! :o(
At my last job in India also we used to have this environment function, games, contests, trees planting ! :o)
Waise,u know,I heard people talking on the road that day,that they wanted to go pick up the saplings...why?Because they were being given in a nice 'kaapad ni kothdi'(Cloth bag) which they wanted to use probably for grocery shopping,you can imagine how many trees got planted.
India is an uncycleable place, climate wise and road wise both
AMazing pictures.
I entered this site by chance, but I found very interesting. A greeting to all the people who visit this page.
I entered this site by chance, but I found very interesting. A greeting to all the people who visit this page.
A very well written blog brimming with ideas.
Thank you for such a wonderful post
@ AmitL
haha, i thought so ;) That's why that question arose !
@ Uncommon Sense
hahaha, don't be so pessimistic, everything is possible ;0)
@ A. K.
Thanks A.K.
After a long time !
Thank you for the nice words ! hope o see you again !
@ Nikhil
hey first time at my blog !
Welcome and thanks for those nice words ! :o)
I came to this place by chance, but I found very interesting. Greetings to all the people who visit this page... Kuzey Güney
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