It was so much fun and also how we started with the idea and went on with planning that was also a lots of fun….
One of the days, around 2 weeks back, we went for walk and some snacks in lunch hour.... Me and 2 of my colleagues. And while talking it came up, aren't we giving S a baby shower? Yes we are, but then she is going on leaves in 10 days... not much time left and we don’t know all whom she will like to have there!
While we were discussing our plans and what all can be done, We saw S's man walking ahead of us (he also works in same office, and that is were they met...how cute: o))... so we ran to get hold of him... thought wouldn’t be able to catch him so rang him on his mobile but he kept walking obviously lost in conversations.
Now as we were running shouting his name, we did attract quite a few eyes... (May be people wondering who are this crazy females…. Running, shouting, laughing Hehehe ) I even met one of our new friends who live near our house who was returning picking up her kid from school and sure would be thinking ohhh this is what they do in office... roam out, run like mad and behave crazy and have fun...haha
Anyway finally we could get hold of him, and we asked him for guest list S will like to have and to keep it to him as we wanted to give her surprise. And while discussing we decided there won’t be only females but all interested male colleagues also can be there. And this was fun as no male colleague had ever been to a Baby Shower, some gave a surprising look saying “Isn’t it American?" and some even didn’t know what is Baby Shower !!
Tough task indeed, but later we realized it was good as then no one had any expectations, to have some expectations you have to know what to expect…hehehe
We booked one of the conference halls for extended lunch hour. Delegated work among ourselves and sent out Invitations. (Which also explained what baby shower is, with Wikipedia link not to have many to and fro of e-mails asking questions about it!)
While all this process as we were exchanging quite a few mails for planning, we named it Projects SBS (S’ Baby Shower), so it doesn’t catch attention making our surprise a flop-show! (My idea ;o) hehe )
On that day we all brought our parts preparation, when she went away for some work from her desk we all went downstairs and decorated the room. Then we decided in the lunch time me and N will ask her if she wants to go out for lunch or wants to come down to restaurant and bring her there somehow. Now it happened that her man K asked her to go to Stadshart thinking he will take her down and so when we asked her and she said she is going out with K. Aaaah last minute change in plan…again some mails and K mailed that he didn’t know our plan and thought he will ask her as many time they do… so okay, anyway doesn’t matter, all we want is to have her there…. we went downstairs and joined others in waiting.
After a few minutes they came.... K asked her needs to check something n brought her to Conference room, and …… She wouldn't come in, saying "Niet voor onze" (Not for us) and K almost have to carry him inside saying go, go... and then she realized what it was... looking at decorations and banners.... Aaaah precious expressions, luckily we could catch them in camera :o)
Later on she told us that she saw few finance people and finance manager and thought it was some finance meeting going on there and then she saw all the balloons, and banner and realized it was not!
We had some games for them... To be Mom and Dad had to compete to be Super-Mom and Super-Dad. (K didn’t know anything we planned apart from that there is going o be a baby shower so games were surprise and new for him too)
First one was to prepare milk.... They didn’t know how much milk powder, how much warm water or even what was milk powder and what was milk thickening powder (or what was it? I don’t know what it is called… How am I supposed to know…? Do I have a baby??? hehe ) and so there were lots of R & D and laughter then finally a guy, a new dad himself helped them with what needed to be done…. and K won it... but there was a consolation for S that no prepared milk is going to beat breast milk :o)
Second game was to taste the baby food and guess which flavor was that, of course they were blindfolded so that they don’t guess it looking at color. And this time S won this one.
Third game was to sponge the baby and change dress and diaper.... and it was really nice how they treated the dolls... S was really so careful as she will be with a real baby and so does K but same time he behaved how a dad will... he was quicker but same time was playing with a doll, making voices in try to divert baby's attention so baby don’t cry and making faces and jokes to make a baby smile and it did brought lots of smiles to everyone!
Diaper cake prepared by one of the colleagues :)
We had some snacks, kind of potluck by Project SBS committee, which comprised of four of us. I had brought some Indian snacks... there were some Indonesian snacks and some cup cakes …. ! Everyone had a nice time :o) Worth the efforts put in.
But something I loved the most was expressions and happiness it brought on S' face! :o)