Being in the Paris on my own and not having to cook or not having to worry about any household things is giving me more time to ponder upon things which i wouldn't otherwise. Given time, this post would have been up two weeks back, but yeah life, It can be busy sometimes !
(What if all what kept you busy was reading a book or watching movies !! They are enough to keep you busy, right? So I can call myself busy !!)

I wanted to watch Twilight the day it got released, but then Ashu was not here so i waited until Saturday but surprise !!!!.... He got that same book for me on the way back (knowing how crazy i am about books) and then i was no more that eager, as i wanted to watch the movie now after
reading the book!
So i finished reading the book in 3 days with late nights and sleeping in office schedule.
Ohh boy, ask me ... was he happy?
At first yes, as i started reading book soon as he gave me, so may be a happy feeling knowing i liked what he got me but then as i read all the time, a bit annoyed at times with more of those.... will you sleep now? please sleep. Please put book aside for a moment.... I am sorry Ashu, for all those things, but i would't have slept at ease even if would have , You know how reading can take you at times!
So as soon as i was finished reading the book and even though it was a weekday and we had office next day we ran to watch the movie.... Aaah and what a disappointment ! One who has not read book won't get what is going on and will be confused what's going on. ( Or may be it's a tectic to get people read the book ! You never know marketing gimmicks hehehe)
Ok so back to the movie, It was confusing as there are many chances that you even might have forgotten what was in first part, trying to make you remember and link it with what was going on to understand. Just in 5 mins i knew this is going to be a difficult one.
I was looking at Ashu's confused face and smiling, i tried to explain what was going on but how much you can without disturbing others?
And most disturbing part was, while reading the book at some moment you feel sad, at some part you feel the intensity of feelings /pain each character holds. But unfortunately in the movie it was opposite, when those parts played on screen whole audience laughed, ya even including me whose heart had ached while reading it ! What a contrast, isn't it?
I understand they have to wrap up a story detailed in hundreds of pages in a few mins picturisation..... something which took me to read more than 14 hours in 2 hours ! I understand that is difficult but .... I never imagined this was outcome.... A total disappointment to me !
Anyway, whatever...that is not going to stop me from reading next books in the Twilight series and even from watching subsequent parts of movies whenever it comes !

P.S. With courtsey internet and google god i found out what is New Moon, Apparantly it has nothing to do with the movie, New Moon is a name given by fans to new sensation with his perfect biceps and six-packs " Taylor Lautner " aka Werewolf !
ah...books into movies has always been a disappointment to the readers..
My frnds and my sis 's been crazy abt the book and they read it all..till breaking down..all the books in less than 15 days...hiding the book under the bench...reading it with the light from nights..all crazies..this fascinated me too..and i started reading it..found it boring..i donno why..all my frnds started yelling.."what kinda human are u?didn't like twilight..didn't like edward..?"
I said"i prefer roaming under the please spare me from the vampy's ":P
And they fight fr edward also..mera mera karke!
Hey edwards that harry potter guy realized?
The movie sucked, I mean Twilight! I watched it last night. Really bad acting and no sequence at all! Just few foul talks and they fall head over heels in love with each other! The movie didn't give any chance to any character to develop themselves or the scenes.
Me too, have found many people around, being crazy about Twilight and the whole thing! I honestly didn't find anything SO romantic or touching about it. It has a reason I guess. There was a TV series, named Roswell, back in 1999. The Twilight story seems to be inspired by the plot of that series. It was about aliens and Twilight is about Vampires. I'm a die hard fan of Roswell, so may be subconsciously I'm can't accept Twilight as a genuine, romantic fantasy fiction!
Have a look at this as a reference:
Definitely, aliens are more romantic than vampires!
@ nameera
hahaha, cant stop laughing reading your comment.... hehe
Btw i liked the book, but nop i am not one who can fall in love with vempire either, so no edward for me and only sun, sun and more sunny days...hehehe
Yeah, i know edward, aka cedric diggory from HP ;)
@ Mind Writer
Totally agree with you, The movie didn't give any chance to any character or any scene to develop !
When you are reading a book, atleast there is a conviction and reason for why certain character is behaving this way or feeling certain way, but while watching the movie, it's all confusing... all scenes are just running to meet an end without leaving much of an impact of itself !
That was a great link to god through, i didn't see or read "Roswell"so it was a new info to me, thanks for sharing :)
I really wonder why only few people watched Roswell. It may be stories about Human-Alien Hybrids but I've never seen any TV series to present "relationships" so beautifully. I wasn't that lucky to read the books either, but I have all 3 seasons' DVDs (which was pretty unavailable in Bangladesh, but I guess my pure love for them helped me arrange those!). Watch them if you ever get a chance to collect them. You'd love it I guess.
By the way, it feels REALLY good to meet another Lopa who also possesses the sunsign Aries. I'm an Arian too with the same name!
Take care!
God, new moon is also not good uh? man! its a pity..Twilight so majorly sucked as well...the book was so magical..the chemistry was almost non existent between the two..and thats the key..:(..
@ Mind Writer / Lopa
heyyy, now that's called a height of coincidence, two Arian with same name meeting through blogs ! :) So what is your birthdate? April? Mine is 7th April. Won't ask year, as then i have to disclose mine as well ;o)
Now that we share this similarity and you recommend Roswell, I will have to check it out * :o)
( *Conditions apply- Availability here )
@ thamarai
Yeah, so now imagine.... the key thing in book... magical chemistry missing in the movie... so that's like a movie without soul !
Btw did you watch "Paa" ? I wasn't planning to watch it, but looking at reviews and some recommendations from friends watched it, and we were not disappointed, Watch it if you get chance :)
( Sorry, i have this bad habit, once someone tells me anything, i don't forget it that easily, and i remember you replying one of my comments with i should atleast write movie reviews, and so whenever i don't, i cant stop myself from atleast conveying to you...hehe I hope you don't mind ;o) )
My birthday is on 26th March. It's okay for me to disclose the year. I'm born in 1986. I guess I'm junior, huh? :D
@ Mind Writer
hehehe, yeah a lot junior ;) 4 years :) absolutely not! I will definitely watch paa..:)
Hey atlast you watched it huh? Good :) As predicted, New Moon is a sad part in Twilight series. I wouldn't point out anything.
I completed the whole series :) Now i am having problems dealing with the fact that it wasn't real :(
@ thamarai,
Hope you are having good time in India ;)
@ Mahesh,
yes, and such a disappointment !
Yeah, same which i went through after finishing HP series. That's why I have taken a break for good reasons before starting with next part. I read/ am reading a few other books in between and then will pick up the next part :)
Otherwise Ashu will kill me, that I am always reading, reading, reading... too busy ;) :D
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