Okay to be honest, I didn't expect me writing this post, but to honour those so many queries on what happened next after I posted Story of my new life, I had no other option!
Last days have been very busy enabling me not to write much, and as soon as I could I am grabbing these few moments moving "Story of my new life" a step further.
Chapter 2: From Bye to Hi
And with that "Bye" his back disappeared, drifting away somewhere in the crowd.
I was back to my own world of sadness, never realizing what that moment hold for me in the future.
Next day at college that movie evening of previous day was in discussion. (We love to dissect everything, don't we? )
Our common friend A was standing in the corner of class with some other girls and they were discussing something about him, which I didn't notice until a question came my way...
Lopa was there ask her...
Hmmm what?
You met Ashu yesterday, how did you find him?
Arrr hmmm ummm don’t know... we didn't even interact, how do I know....
Still.... your first impression?
Arrr ummm hmmm he had a nice smile...
**** giggling****
And now all turned to me, Apparently they had got a prey for the day...
Ohh so you liked his smile huh?
What? You asked me, in stead forced me to say something about him...
But you noticed his smile, huh? ****giggle****
Hey, you probed me, and i didn't even notice him more than that, what else was i suppose to say...
ya ya we know....
And they realized my irritation... ( good for them ) so A interrupted the scene...
Ya I was just telling them he is a nice guy.
I don't know A, My days are not going good, I have many things to worry about right now.
What happened?
First cell and now apartment! Our contract is ending next month, they are not going to renew it and we have to find a new place.
If you come across something let me know.
Ya sure. will do.
Guess what? Ashu can help.
Arrrr how?
See we all are hostellites, we don't know many people here, he is a locallite, he knows many people here, and he surely can help.
Hmmm, ya nothing wrong in trying, can you please ask him.
Next day passed with : A calling him, then he calling her to update and she passing on message to me - sometimes message, sometimes contacts of brokers, sometimes queries on what, where.

After two days, A and I were walking home after college, and he called. He said something, she asked me, she replied back, he replied, she passed on, I replied, she replied.... and I realised the weirdness !
Why don't i talk with him directly !
I asked A if is it okay I talk with him directly?
She seemed more than happy passed on phone to me.
We talked directly for the first time, which ended with exchanging the phone numbers.
That's how the new era started, Era of text messaging 24*7 !
And that was just a start !
This story is getting very interesting..Can we expect a part 3 for this ?? :P ... you are keeping the auidence in suspense..worse than the Sony TV mega serials :)...
Ha most of the love stories start with this 24*7 messaging ..haha...nice very nice....:)
Haha-Lopa,very nice,peaceful movements of the 'post-bye' days...waiting for what happens next..I bet u must've said 'thank heavens for smses and the cellphone.:)
like the narration
That was just a start!
Shaks jab toh msg 2 paise bhi nahi the...kitne paise kharch kiye hoge tum log! :P
Chap-3's also going to come eh?
@ sagarika
No no no, not intending for part 3... hehehe
I thought only interest was in knowing how we met next, and after that what happens is like in any other love story :-D
Aaah don't compare with those Sony TV mega serials pls, pls pls :-(
@ AmitL
ohhh ya, agar cell phones and sms nahi hote humara kya hota...hehehe :P
@ sm
Thanks sm :)
@ nameera
Aree don't ask, prepaid me to everyday recharge karvana padta tha...hehehe
And then Airtel came up with free sms package recharge :D
No Chap-3 nams :)
haha...some love stories can be diff you see :)...I meant the suspense is like sony tv mega serials...nt the story :)..
Lopa just not done.. I was reading n wanted to read on n on n u closed it.. not fair...take some time off n continue with this.. nice long story...good n pleasant to read... u can add masala too ;) heheh
haha, and I was just talking about sms and cellphones too.
I think we all need to thank the mobile companies for their great role in our love lives :) It was wonderful reading a part of your life, which you hold so dear!
gr8 read ! Go ahead, waiting for the third one ! Gal, u sure know, how to keep one stucked over the writeups!
hey nice post... :) Looking forward to Part 3.. :D
No matter how much the call rates will reduce, everyone loves to sms.. :)
@ sagarika
hahaha true, i will say all love stories are different in it's true essence, and most special to those part of it, i mean not just a part but main leads ;)
@ Nithya
Madam Nithya, if you will just refresh your memory i will not have to write more... hahaha
@ Arunima
Ohh i have not been able to catch up with blogs lately, will check it out :o)
@ Orangesplaash
Certainly, it has been communication revolution ! :o)
I wonder how our parents generation managed ! hehe
@ priya
Thanks Priya, nice to see you here.
no no no, pls no third one... :o)
But then you never know, we will see...hehe ;o)
@ Achu
Thanks Achu.
That's s true, we used to sms when it was free, we used to when it was 1 re and we even did when it was 2 rs.... that's the spirit...hehe
we used to buy special sms package recharge and even will fall sort of those 2500/ 3000 sms, and after moving to NL i have 150 free sms in package and i don't manage to use even 10% of it !
ek choti si love story..but really everlasting one......i thought u will write more on this...but you ended very soon....will wait for chapter 3 lops..
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