This post was one of the winners at Blogadda's "Travel Photo Contest" .
A few things happened simultaneously...
- Thinking about next blog post.
- Sorting out my photograph albums. (trying to be a bit organised, you see hehe)
- Came across this e-mail notification from BlogAdda, this week’s contest called ‘Travel Photos’ !
Good huh? They say "A Picture is worth a thousand words"... so sharing 5 pictures means a post worth five thousand words... hehe :o)
The idea sounded exciting and thought why not to participate and make life more exciting !
But that thought lasted only until now when i visited their site to check the rules and came across a pull of entries participating.... great work, Ohhh gosh do i still want to participate?
Ohh yes, it might would have dampened my spirit for a moment but it is all about sharing...that's all what matters right?
So here goes my five pictures...
(Click on the image to see the bigger image)
1. Can you imagine past behind this colorful present ?
This is a click of Berlin wall. You might have known all the hitory it holds, you might have read a lot stories about it and you might would have seen thousand pictures of the Berlin Wall, but nothing compares standing there and looking at the contrast a city holds by dividing in East and West.
Imagine, how will you feel if you sleep today and wake up in the morning only to realize everything you thought yours, no more is yours... your business, your job, your family ! Nothing stands there anymore !
You stand at a tram station waiting for a tram to go to work and that tram never arrives... you realise you are never going to that work place now. You didn't even get to bid a farewell !
I wondered standing there... the color of the past of this colorful present !

2. Boundary-less Friendship.
This pic was taken somewhere in Highlands, Scotland. We were driving on this narrow roads in mountains, saw these beautiful horses and stopped there. As soon as they saw us they came running towards us. They looked at us with the eyes i can never forget.
May be they were feeling lonely, may be they wanted us to play with them, may be they thought we were their owners / friends... whatever it was they stood there looking at us till we stood there.
It reminded us how for them there was no boundary of friendship, how we all humans were same for them, their friends !
So is it that now only these animals left with this self-less, Boundary-less friendship spirit?

3. Co-Existence.
Every time there is a development which involves nature and construction there is this big debate over what is right and what is wrong... how we are polluting or damaging the nature.
This place reminded which we all know in our hearts.... co-existence.
Development doesn't have to be at the cost of nature, THEY CAN CO-EXIST.
While standing at this place at Fort Augustus, felt like can we be any less in the lap of nature here? So serene and beautiful !

4. Past meets Present.
Brugge is a beautiful city, walking in each street brings past to present.
This pic captures one such moment.... two modes of transport... doesn't it look like past is merging in present and present is following the past !

5. Nature at it's Best...
Whatever progress man-kind make, nature always surprises us with it's beauty.... Can this otherwise desert-like looking place look more beautiful?
It was a wonderful moment, close to our hearts as we actually witnessed building up this rainbow... we were driving and thought there it looks like a rainbow, then same appeared from other corner and thought ohh my god two rainbows at the same time !! Ccan we be any more lucky on this trip?
And before it sinks in, we saw both ends stretching towards each other and joining at the middle, forming a full rainbow... how amazing ! No words to describe the feeling.
If you look at the picture carefully, you can actually see two rainbows, one very colorful and other one above that like a shadow of this.
There was no way we could just drive away... had to capture this pic :o)
Damn only i knew, would have captured a video.... hehe :o)
nice pics
Beautiful images. Nice variety.
All the best.
My Travel Photos
Beautiful pics ...
Very well well captured :)
All the Best!!
Beautifu photos. very nice post.
best of luck!
beautiful photos. very nice post.
best of luck! :-)
Lovely photos,Lopa.The Berlin Wall and the horses,in particular...and,of course,Past meets Present...wishing you good luck at winning the contest.:)
Great pics!
such wonderful pictures and pefectly thought out with their own title and story behind... I loved the photo of the horses, it reminds me of "my Little Pony" :o)
Great captures, especially the rainbow!
Wow..Beautiful pictures...I loved them all :)
Luved ur selection of pics! Splendid!
Gud luck :)
fantabulous collection lops.....i just love it.....all the best.....
well explained
beautiful pics
Lovely photos with apt titles, all of them. Good luck for the contest.
Thanks everyone for these nice words of appreciation and all the wishes... that means a lot to me.
Thank you.
Great captures there :). Congratulations! :D
lovely photos congrats!
Thanks Nishant & Namita :)
Congrats on winning contest Lops...yr photos deserved it...
Oh Lopa. I have noticed it only now on FB. Sorry for the delay in saying "Congrats !" Late - but from my heart !
Congrats on winning! Great pics!
Ur pictures are gorgeous and the writeup thought-provoking:-)!!!!
Congrats on winning!!!!
Congrats !! Amazing pics :)
Hi, ur pics are really awesome and ur insights in the description added more meaning to each picture. I like the horses friendship one and the berlin wall n past merging with present so much. Great photos merged with wonderful thoughts. Splendid Job ... Congrats on winning the contest too ...
Manikanth. P.
Congrats girl!
You deserved it /....such lovely pics and so well explained :)
Congratulations!!! Loved not just the pictures but also the descriptions (even more). This is an amazing post!!!
You truly deserved to win!!!
hey awesome photos and congrats :)
Congrats lopa...
Thanks @Hetal,@ Anita, @Shankha, @Reflections, @Shruti, @Manikanth. P. @Life Begins, @indianhomemaker, @Neha, @AswathiBabu
This is such a great encouragement, all these really means a lot to me...Thanks everyone :0)
Beautiful pics...lovely post!
Congrats lopa!!
Thanks Priya :o)
awesome clicks!! Congrats on winning!
Awesome snaps! The photos are very realistic and clear. What camera are you having?
That really is a nice blog. Awesome moments and thoughts shared by the blog owner.
Thanks a lot everyone.
@Custom T Shirts, I use Nikon D90.
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