Aaah.... It was supposed to be a sunny weekend this time but just after a sunny morning on Saturday, it turned all cloudy, it rained and that climate state continues till now.
It reminds me of that old good time…
Once upon a time, in the country named India, there lived a boy and a girl, deeply madly in love with each other.
Boy used to work for a small software company which was looking forward to expand itself. And girl was doing her master studies.
When girl took up her first job assignment in a newly opened office in same area, they were more than happy to be in the same area. But this wasn't it, Boy's office moved to the opposite building of girl's office with a bigger office !! Can they ask for anything more than that ?!?!
In a country like India, specially in a city like where they lived, whenever it is too sunny, obviously it is too hot to be outside. So only in the case one is looking for some serious skin burns, one would be going out; otherwise they will prefer to sit in the office and enjoy the cool breeze originated from Air-conditioners.
So whenever it used to be climate like this, cloudy, natural cool breeze, slow showers..... That time whoever is not that busy to notice the weather will call the other
Hey, look outside
Hmm, what's it?
Just look, it's so romantic!!!
Ohh wow
Why do I have to come to office?
Haan yaar...
I don't feel like working, I feel like going for a long drive.
Ohh yeah, me too. But can’t take leave today :o(
Yeah, same here
Lots of work today... :o(
Yeah, same for me.
Ok, let’s finish it fast.
Yes, and then try to get free early in the evening.
Yes and then we can go for a long drive, hehehe
Yes, okie?
Okie, done :o)
Done :o)
There people used to enjoy days like this, it would rejuvenate everything touching hearts, mind. It would brighten the days.
People would be longing for weather like this.... When it turns cloudy and it rains, there will be romance all around in the air, all would just want to enjoy it and no one would feel like working.
And today is a day in this European country, if one sits at home on a day like this and won't feel like working then most probably one will be hardly going out anywhere or hardly would be working any day!!
In this country, rate of people getting depressed increases in winter due to short and such cloudy days, where you don't see clear sun for days !!
So here... on a day like this, that very same boy and girl sit, waiting for a sunny day so that they can go out on beach and enjoy the sunny day.....but alaaas... it wasn't in the fate this weekend..!!
What will you call this??? Same planet, same boy and girl and the life, full of contrasts.
Aaaah Life !!
AWWWW...sweet post re...!! :)..btw..this boy and girl u talk of!! they reside in a country clal the netherlands now?? :D...and r happily married and enjoying life even though the girl blogs complaining about the cloudy weather ? :D
Stop complaining...
probably time for change... Instead of drive home..Grab a hot cup of adu masala chai n nice bhajias... ok ok I know oil but once a while its ok to pep u up in a cloudy weather... watch ur fav movies...
Planet hai wahi, jagah hai nayi,
rishta hai purana, wahi ladki pyaari aur ladka sayana
K i just tried rhyming it! an attempt hehehe...
# Amith
How do you know??? :O hehehehe
Thanks re :)
# Anonymous
Wow, what a rhyme... you should write, i tell you :)
Thanks for the comment :)
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