In work, projects, goals...all the time..! But how about our live !!
What can we call "Milestones" of our lives? May be going school for the first time, entering university, getting married, having kids, etc etc.
* Wait*
How about turning 21???
Yeah turning 21, Isn't that a different feeling??? That is the legal age ...
( Ya but in India only for males; for our species it is 18!!! hehehe. So I can say girls are smarter by 3 years than guys in India... hehehe )
- Can legally get married...! But why will anyone want to marry at age of 21? I had that right at 18, but boy did I wish to get marry at that age??? Then why should we be discussing about this?? So leave this.
- Can legally go to Bars and drink...! Ok now this may interest some of you but of no use if you live at a place I grown up. Yes in Gujarat! It's a dry state and drinking is not legal even when you are 50 without a permit.... yes drinking permit. There are some relaxations in the rules now and also depends on contacts you have... but we are not discussing that either.
- Vote - In India , we can vote at 18.... So that rules out this too.
- Driving Licence - Aah that's also 18 !!
Okay okay leave it, this seems like going nowhere. Let's talk about some one behind this post today.
My brother Vivek ... Yes guessed it right... He is turning 21 today....yuppieeee
Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Vivek.... Bappy Birthday to you.
~~My brother Vivek ... Yes guessed it right... He is turning 21 today....yuppieeee
Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Vivek.... Bappy Birthday to you.
So I am no more entitle to see him as a little cute baby, arrived in our lives 21years back and ohh God how happy I was, I could never put my hand off his chubby chicks.... hehehe
When I asked him what does he think about turning 21, this is what appeared again in the answer he can legally get married !?@#$%!?
Hell Nooooo !! Now didn’t I mention earlier that 21 is not the age to get married... you have whole life young man... enjoy you time, but I wonder why will you think about marrying at this stage? As per my knowledge your relationship status stands at single at the moment.... or is there something I am missing out here...!?!?!
(We need to talk about this later, Vivek)
When I asked him what does he think about turning 21, this is what appeared again in the answer he can legally get married !?@#$%!?
Hell Nooooo !! Now didn’t I mention earlier that 21 is not the age to get married... you have whole life young man... enjoy you time, but I wonder why will you think about marrying at this stage? As per my knowledge your relationship status stands at single at the moment.... or is there something I am missing out here...!?!?!
(We need to talk about this later, Vivek)
Hmmm so when my baby bro is nomore a baby, So many sweet memories I hold of him close to my heart.......
He started walking at the age of some 7-9 months and i was so so protective of him that I would be always shouting at people that please don't make him walk, he will fall down and they used to laught at me saying you can't learn if you are afraid of fall.... And now i understand what it means !
When he was 1.5-2 years old, he would drive bicycle and not just drive but will always drive it on slops and then to climb back reverse from the same was one of his favorites...! Too much for a baby !
He started walking at the age of some 7-9 months and i was so so protective of him that I would be always shouting at people that please don't make him walk, he will fall down and they used to laught at me saying you can't learn if you are afraid of fall.... And now i understand what it means !
When he was 1.5-2 years old, he would drive bicycle and not just drive but will always drive it on slops and then to climb back reverse from the same was one of his favorites...! Too much for a baby !
I remember, as a kid how he used to go to watch chess tournament at a club and then will cry as they won't allow him to play as he won't fall under minimum age required to play a match. On one incident, looking at his interest, Organizers asked some guys, who were done with their competition and just waiting there, to play with him to make him happy. And then there was a whole crowd around them when he started winning. Yeah that's my brother Vivek.
As a kid, he was emotional, ( Still he is, just that now he has learnt to hide it behind smiling face) I still remember people will tease him saying ... ya one day you will be all grown up, will go to study somewhere, or move somewhere, will marry and move somewhere else... all of which mean leaving home in the end for some or other reason, and he will cry and cry hugging mom saying no why do you say that, I will never leave anyone !!!
He won’t express everything to everyone and I remember how we used to go on the terrace and would talk about everything whenever he is upset and things are bothering him. He actually said I was his best friend....yeah... I feel bad now when due to this physical distance we can't talk that much. But I still want him to come to me whenever he feels like talking, and I hope he will.
He is someone whom every parent will be proud of. He made dad's wish true by going for medicine as Dad always wanted at least one of us to be in medical field like him and neither me nor my sister did. And I can't express how proud Vivek made us all feel when he topped the merit list!
With time he has changed according to his age and in my sister's words has become more "style-maru"... but I think that is the age effect which will fad away with time ;)... or will stay forever...whatever..!
On my wedding day, he said he won't cry, but I think he did. ( But later he explained to me that it was just some fluid coming out due to some medicine or something for some dermatology treatment or something....aaah, now how do you expect me to remember exact words he used to confuse me using his newly acquired medicine knowledge !! )
I can write pages and pages about him.... but I think I shall leave that for some other Milestone, what do you say Vivek??
For now, Happy 21 Viv... May you get whatever you wish... Happy Birthday...!
For now, Happy 21 Viv... May you get whatever you wish... Happy Birthday...!
Hey Lopa pass on my wished to Vivek :) Happy Birthday Vivek.. Lopa I had an elder bro but I can exactly relate to ur words cause i had whole lot of younger cousins following.. Since same city n all used to call me Nithya Akka... made me feel so responsible n protective... its best when ur bro is ur best frnd.. lovely.. God bless!
See,how the time passed,21 yeas!,he is physically & mentally so mature,and still trying to find that little boy gong to KG,cycling,smiling without teeth,his smile resembles motapappa,Like every parents we also wish bright future and everything he wishes on this 21 birthday.-MOM & DAD
This is really a great gift to Vivek, memories of his childhood :-)...
While reading this i remember 1 more incidence.
Remember when he was in lower KG, n 1day when his rickshaw wala uncle was late, he and lilian came home together by walking, and we were all shocked, as it was not a short distance and safe for those kids...
But when we were asking him about it, he dint realize what great task he has done...
may be from that time he wanted to take responsibilities...
Ah! Thats so sweet of you! My wishes too Vivek!! :)
@ Nithya
Thanks dear, so nice of you.
Brother, sister, cousins... it is so much fun to grow up with :)
@ Dr.R.C.
Vivek is so so so going to love your comment... may be more than reading my post ;)
@ chahna
Ya i remember it, we were almost shocked as that needed crossing roads and walking more than half hour may be?? And when they reached they were smiling with their bags on their backs and hand in hand... hahaha
@ thamarai
That's so nice of you...Thanks :)
hi lops...... first of all sorry for the late reply...forgive me considering a kid!!! ;)(hey i m just 21 yar!)
u know this is so so wonderful gift!! u should have warned me abt this coz i went 2 cybercafe with my friend n while reading this i almost got water in my eyes n they got another chance of making fun of my supersensitive nature :(
u know, while reading this i almost got flashback of my whole childhood, i loved those days!! i always tell my freinds that i have got 2 most wonderful sis in the world!! (i know u wont blv my worlds, u can ask them!!)
i remember the days, when u used 2 console me n support me whenever mom or dad scolded me, those terrece meetings were wonderful!! u were n r n will be my bestest best frnd, situations keep changing in ur n my life but that doesnt mean i m going away from you, it s true that we r physcally far away but i think this feeling is more about psychological bonding and it wont ever change, promise!!! u know u have always been a source of inspiration for me,i learned sketing coz u were good at i,i tried my hands at painting coz u were excellent at it, i wanted 2 take part in all d competitions n win them in school coz i didnt want 2 come empty handed when u n dipu were always coming with lots of prises!!! u were almost like n idol 2 me while i was growing up. having sis like u n dipu had some side effect 2, i remeber 2 b always compared by our teachers, n as i wasnt as gud as both of u in both - studies n extra curricular activities,i always hated it when thy did that, what s my fault if u were that gud!!! :) afterall, i wasnt that bad!! i remeber lots n lots of incident of my childhood with u n dipu, i have written some of them in ur marriage gift so plz refer it once again :) . u know u both have been so wonderful sis, i remember how dipu protected me in my primary school days with her gang of gals!! :) i think i dont need 2 tell u how big part u have played in my growing up, sometimes i feel it s almost as much as mom n dad! even in my teenage years u supported me so well!! (i blv my teenage yrs r over now, n feel very sad abt it :( ) there s lots n lots of things 2 write, but i think i should also save some of them as u have saved for another milestone :) . love you, vivek.
n yes, i loved dad's comment! thank u papa!! love you
@ vivek
Awwww.... I am seechless reading your post...
I dont know what to write !!!
Love you and i m proud to have a bro like you...
Thanks :)
And so are Mom & dad and dipu !! :)
wow!!how sweet!!!
@ nameera
Thanks re... by the way by sweet u meant me, right ?? ;) hehehehe...kidding :)
Are wah vivek to bo moto thai gayo ne!!!!!!!!!...
mane pan radavi didhi!!!...
Feels good to be part of the family !!!
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